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Image depicting endangered penguin Pierre watching cartoon

Endangered penguin Pierre loves to watch cartoon show


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Do you know that there are endangered penguin species? Here is a lovely story about one.

Pierre is a Northern Rockhopper penguin who lives at the Perth Zoo in Australia. In fact, he is the only Northern Rockhopper living in a zoo in the whole of Australia!

He was found on a beach in south-west Australia and since then, he has been living at the zoo.

Northern Rockhopper are an endangered penguin species (less in number). They are found only on a few islands in the Atlantic and the Indian Oceans.

Being the only one of his kind has made Pierre feel quite lonely. He has no one else to interact with.

So, to help him feel less lonely, the zoo started letting him watch Pingu, a cartoon show about penguins. They are also showing him live videos of other rockhoppers around the world.

Pierre absolutely loves Pingu and even makes noises when he watches it. His caretakers say that he seems to enjoy the show’s colours and movements.

The zoo plans to send him back to the wild but for now, he needs a lot of help. He doesn’t know how to swim or fish. So, they are hoping to send him to another zoo with rockhoppers. There, he can learn the skills needed to live in the wild.

Here is a video of the endangered penguin Pierre at the zoo:

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