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Image depicting Planet Earth's Core - It's getting cooler in there!

Planet Earth’s Core – It’s getting cooler in there!


Recommended for Earth's Core

Back to basics

Before we share the latest and greatest findings on our Planet Earth, it would be wise to get back to the basics. In the past, we’ve introduced our readers to Planet Earth’s core. Simply put, it’s the innermost layer, extremely hot and shaped in a ball. What’s really interesting is that, unlike other parts, Planet Earth’s Core is made up of only two metals, iron and nickel.

You may wonder, “That’s all fine but what is the coolest thing about Earth’s Core?”

Planet Earth’s Core

Now, that our little readers bring it up, think of the key idea “protection”.  Protection from whom, you may ask yourselves? Basically, the core provides Planet Earth with magnetic fields. These magnetic fields protect us from harmful particles and radiation – both are part of the Sun’s rays.

The Earth we live in was not the same billions of years ago. Back then the core was very hot and it took millions of years for the core to cool down. Now, with the recent discovery, our scientists share that the core is getting cooler way faster than it should.

What happens next?

Well, the process of cooling isn’t new. As you read and as we live our lives, the process continues. Eventually, the core will meltdown and we’ll become like Mars, is what the scientists predict. Or, maybe, by then Elon Musk would have safely taken us to Mars 🙂

The scientists aren’t a hundred per cent sure how soon will the core cool off to its maximum and what effect will it have on our species. Did we hear a Phew!

For our readers who want a little extra information, you could access the paper here. Let us know in the comments section if you find anything interesting!

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