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Core of Planet Earth Leaks: Scientists Decode Reasons!


Recommended for Earth's Core

The Core of Planet Earth holds many mysteries, and recent findings suggest that it might be leaking helium. This discovery was based on the analysis of helium isotopes found in ancient Arctic rocks.

Key Facts:

  • An unusual concentration of a helium isotope was detected in 62-million-year-old Arctic rocks.
  • This discovery builds on previous analyses of ancient lava flows, strengthening the belief in helium seepage from the Earth’s core.
  • Helium, being light and non-reactive, can easily diffuse out of rocks and escape into space, making it rare on the Earth’s surface.
  • Geologists find that high ratios of helium 3 (3He) to helium 4 (4He) in rocks, especially basaltic lavas on Canada’s Baffin Island, hint at ancient origins of this gas, unrelated to atmospheric contamination.

Detailed Insights from Core Discoveries:

  • Helium’s Rarity: Given helium’s properties, if it were not for deep reserves, it would have mostly drifted into space. The Core of Planet Earth, over billions of years, has been a source of this helium, but just how much remains is a geological mystery.
  • Evidence from Baffin Island: Geologists have found that basaltic lavas on Baffin Island possess some of the world’s highest ratios of 3He to 4He. This high concentration suggests a deeper origin than atmospheric contamination. The Core of Planet Earth becomes a focal point of these discussions.
  • Woods Hole’s Discoveries: A geochemist, Forrest Horton, found helium isotope ratios up to 50 times higher than atmospheric levels in samples from Baffin’s lava fields. These levels were similarly high in lavas from Iceland. This commonality points to a shared, ancient reservoir adjacent to the mantle.
  • Simulations and Traces: By studying other isotopes and neon ratios, scientists believe that these noble gases trace back to the Earth’s formation. Simulations on thermodynamics and pressures support the idea that noble gases could have been trapped in the Core of Planet Earth, only to seep out over time.


The Core of Planet Earth, while largely inaccessible, continues to unveil its secrets through the study of isotopes and geological evidence. As helium isotopes suggest potential leaks from the core, they provide scientists with a fresh avenue to understand our planet’s formation and evolution.

This exciting revelation about the Earth’s core not only unravels the past but also paves the way for future exploration into the intricacies of our planet’s innermost layers.

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