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Image depicting A little thing called first love

A little thing called first love

Image depicting A little thing called first love

You walked across the graveyard of my feelings,
In the autumns of lifeless leaves,
You planted some hopeful saplings,
Necklacing the flowers and the pink beads

You rushed silently among the trees,
As if clearing the winds,
Pausing the dancing sprees,
Leaving them curious to understand your
Secrets of sweet breeze.
I was unconscious until I felt you,
In the air, I smelt you,
In the ground, you held me,
At the horizon of our words, I met thee

Editor’s Note:

We are delighted to present Sneha Ghosh’s poignant poem, “A Little Thing Called First Love,” from New Stewart School, featured on Curious Times – a leading platform for children’s creative expressions. Sneha’s insightful portrayal of first love is truly remarkable and deeply moving.

Sneha’s ability to convey the delicate emotions of first love through vivid imagery and metaphor is a testament to her talent. Her poem beautifully captures the essence of young love, intertwining it with the natural world in a way that is both relatable and enchanting.

Lines like “You walked across the graveyard of my feelings, In the autumns of lifeless leaves, You planted some hopeful saplings, Necklacing the flowers and the pink beads” evoke a sense of rebirth and hope. This powerful imagery suggests that even in the face of emotional desolation, love can plant the seeds of new beginnings.

Moreover, Sneha’s use of phrases such as “rushed silently among the trees, As if clearing the winds,” brings a sense of gentle yet profound change. The depiction of first love as a sweet breeze that subtly transforms everything it touches is both delicate and impactful.

Her concluding lines, “I was unconscious until I felt you, In the air, I smelt you, In the ground, you held me, At the horizon of our words, I met thee,” beautifully illustrate the all-encompassing nature of first love. The seamless integration of the senses with the experience of love makes this poem resonate deeply with readers of all ages.

At Curious Times, we celebrate such budding talent and encourage our young writers to continue exploring their creative abilities. Sneha’s poem is a shining example of how young minds can express complex emotions with clarity and elegance. Kudos to Sneha for this outstanding piece of poetry. We look forward to seeing more of her work and the work of other young poets who are eager to share their voices with the world.

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