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A Stay At The Age Of Nine

When I was nine, I had my very first sleepover at my cousin’s house. My cousin is only a year older than me so we get along pretty well.

That day at my cousin’s house, we both swore to watch the recently released horror movie ‘The Conjuring (2013) by ourselves.

During the initial stage of the movie, we were like dead serious about the gist, the climax and the anti-climax. But in due course of time, we both succeeded at transforming this audacious task into more of humurous and gladsome fun-filled time by turning on some music, poking fun at the characters and searching as many loopholes as we could.

Ultimately it was time to put an end to our little slumber party. We both slept together that night as we were like chickens after watching that movie. After sometime when I finally found myself on the verge of sleeping soundly, I started experiencing some hushed voices and found myself in a state of skipping heartbeats as what I saw next shook me to my core.

It was my sister who was murmuring in her sleep in a monotonous tone. I got so spooked at the idea of this that I even became scared of my own shadow. I summoned all my courage and abruptly woke her up. She stood with a puzzled expression.

I told her the reason why I woke her up and she responded that  “I was the one hallucinating”. Was I really hallucinating or was she the one who needed to agree about her uncanny and unsettling sleeping habits?

After that I cried myself to sleep then it finally really dawned on me to give me a thought about not watching horror movies at night especially with a person who is in denial mode.

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Nandini Bhalla

Grade 11, DLDAV MODEL SCHOOL , Shalimar Bagh, New Delhi

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