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Word of the Day

  • Brawl  

    Noun | brawl
    an intense, loud fight

  • Boost  

    Verb | boost
    to increase or make grow

  • Bolster  

    Verb | bohl-ster
    to support, strengthen, or fortify

  • Bittersweet  

    Adjective | bit-er-sweet
    tinged with a feeling of sadness

  • Bias  

    Noun | bahy-uhs
    a strong feeling of favour towards or against one group of people, or on one side in an argument, often not based on fair judgement or facts

  • Benevolent  

    Adjective | buh-nev-uh-luhnt
    kind, generous

  • Bear  

    Verb | bair
    to put up with

  • Basic  

    Adjective | bey-sik
    relating to the foundation or basis of something

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