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Word of the Day

  • Apex  

    Noun | ey-peks
    the highest point of something

  • Decree  

    Verb | dih-kree
    to declare formally and with authority

  • Cultivate  

    Verb | kuhl-tuh-veyt
    to prepare and use land for growing plants for food or to sell

  • Culmination  

    Noun | kuhl-muh-ney-shuhn
    the final act or climax

  • Counterproductive  

    Adjective | koun-ter-pruh-duhk-tiv
    hindering the achievement of a goal

  • Counterargument  

    Noun | koun-ter-ahr-gyuh-muhnt
    an argument used to criticize or dismantle another argument

  • Counteract  

    Verb | koun-ter-akt
    to work in opposition to

  • Corroborate  

    Verb | kuh-rob-uh-reyt
    to provide evidence for; to back up (a claim)

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