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Word of the Day

  • Perish  

    Verb | per-ish
    to die; to pass away

  • Peculiar  

    Adjective | pi-kyool-yer
    strange, bizarre

  • Pragmatic  

    Adjective | prag-mat-ik
    practical, useful

  • Predecessor  

    Noun | pree-duh-ses-er
    someone who comes before you (usually in position or office)

  • Paramount  

    Adjective | par-uh-mount
    predominant, superior, most important

  • Ornate  

    Adjective | awr-neyt
    highly detailed and decorated

  • Onset  

    Noun | on-set
    the beginning or early stages

  • Omnipotent  

    Adjective | om-nip-uh-tuhnt
    almighty and all powerful

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