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Word of the Day

  • Ascend  

    Verb | uh-send

    to move up or climb something

  • Baggage  

    Noun | bag-ij

    bags, cases, etc. that you take with you when you travel

  • Blend  

    Verb | blend

    to mix or combine together

  • Limb  

    Noun | lim

    an arm or leg of a person or animal

  • Lack  

    Noun | lak

    the fact that something is not available or that there is not enough of it

  • Entire  

    Adjective | en-tahyuhr

    whole or complete, with nothing missing

  • Ancestor  

    Noun | an-ses-ter

    a person related to you who lived a long time ago

  • Attentive  

    Adjective | uh-ten-tiv

    listening carefully

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