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Word of the Day

  • Magnificent  

    Adjective | mag-nif-uh-suhnt

    making a splendid appearance or show; of exceptional beauty, size, etc.

  • Gradual  

    Adjective | graj-oo-uhl

    taking place, changing, moving, etc., by small degrees or little by little

  • Grasp  

    Verb | grahsp

    to seize and hold by or as if by clasping with the fingers or arms.

  • Fierce  

    Adjective | feers

    menacingly wild, savage, or hostile

  • Gasp  

    Noun | gahsp

    a sudden, short intake of breath, as in shock or surprise

  • Fatal  

    Adjective | feyt-l

    causing or capable of causing death; mortal; deadly

  • Ambition  

    Noun | am-bish-uhn

    an earnest desire for some type of achievement or distinction, as power, honour, fame, or wealth, and the willingness to strive for its attainment

  • Blizzard  

    Noun | bliz-erd

    a heavy and prolonged snowstorm covering a wide area.

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