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Image depicting Children's Literature Review: The Enchanted Wood

Children’s Literature Review: The Enchanted Wood

Image depicting Children's Literature Review: The Enchanted Wood

Before I start I must ask you ‘Do you have an adventures spirit? Do you enjoy taking risk and facing obstacles? Do you like to make very odd tree and its dwellers your friends?’ If your answer is ‘No’then you can surely pick up some other books reviews but if it’s ‘Yes’!, Jump on to visit some weird lands of a weird tree in a magical forest.

Till now the book I was talking about is ‘The Enchanted Wood ‘by author Enid Blyton, a worldwide famous writer.
Often we read stories of fairies ,superheroes, folktales ,ghost etc but if you are bored with them and want a diverse topic then I am here to give you the best solution ever. Read on to find more about it.

The electricians of the wonderful charming cover is done by Mark Beech. Those are really nice and give you interest in turning the page of the book. Now let me give you a brief description on this adventurous ,thrilling story.
It’s all about three children, Joe, elder brother & Beth & Frannie, his two Frannie is younger than all.

Due to some works their father moved from their town to the country just beside the magical enchanted wood. But it didn’t took the three explorers long to discover it. The first day they were Amaze to see trees talking in their languages,’Wisha-wisha-wisha’, rabbit talking and elves having their meeting. That time they had help them catch the most naughty gnome and hung on a tree. That tree was that Far Away Tree, king of all trees. For helping their elves ,they granted Joe, Beth & Frannie that anytime they need help they can call them by seven whistles.

The three where two curious to go up the far away tree so next day did that . To their surprise they sa numerous weird tree dwellers, the angry Pixie who is always angry, Mr.Whatziname always snoring loudly, Silky the fairy, Dame Washalot who always throughs water & wets everyone, Barn owls, the red squirrel & a Moon-face man. The most friendly were Silky & Moon-face who helped the three children know about the tree & also that there’s new lands coming on the most top branch of the faraway tree everyday.

And here starts their real adventures. This part is the most interesting and thrilling. First visit to Roundabout land where everything goes round and round to make you dizzy. There two friendly rabbit helped to come out. Next Joe went into another land of ice and snow alone while their visit to Moon Face. There was a bad snowman, some good polar bears & snow.

To save him, Beth & Frannie met Goldilocks & three bears while traveling in the train of enchanted wood. Third visit to the land of old Saucepan man where the Saucepan man, Mr.Whatziname’s friendly remained but the land moved away.

Then their visits, were to Rocking land, Land of Take -What- You -Want, Land of Dame Snap’s school, Land of birthdays where they went to celebrate Beth’s birthday etc much more interesting places and lands. The children and the tree dwellers became friends and enjoyed every single bit of moments through obstacles but amazing adventures.

It’s not all so read the book to know everything in details. I would recommend the book to all the adventurous children and one who is bored of the same stories. I extremely enjoyed it. It was just fantastic! And what about you?

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