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Image depicting Easy Craft Ideas: DIY Leaf Art for Kids

Easy Craft Ideas: DIY Leaf Art for Kids

Image depicting Easy Craft Ideas: DIY Leaf Art for Kids

Kuhu Kacher, your creative use of recycled materials has us simply spellbound! Your “Leafy Me” project is not only an easy craft idea, but it’s also a wonderful way to explore botany for kids. This nature craft is a testament to how fun and educational DIY projects can be.

Plant Types Come to Life

Your leaf fairy, a whimsical touch of children’s art, gracefully showcases different plant types – climbers, creepers, shrubs, herbs, and trees. We love how you’ve brought learning through play to life with this unique leaf art. Your project is a shining example of creative learning in action.

Leaf Art Inspires Little Explorers

Kuhu, your artwork is a wonderful source of inspiration for our young readers. It encourages them to step outside, explore their natural surroundings, and discover the fascinating world of plants through nature activities. Who knows, this might even spark an interest in plant classification!

Create Your Own Leafy Masterpiece

Inspired by Kuhu’s easy craft idea? Here’s how to create your own leaf art:


  • Variety of leaves (different shapes and sizes)
  • Paper or cardboard
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Markers or crayons (optional)


  1. Collect: Go on a nature walk and collect different types of leaves.
  2. Dry: Press the leaves between heavy books for a few days to flatten and dry them.
  3. Arrange: Arrange the leaves on your paper or cardboard to create a design. You can make a fairy, an animal, a landscape, or anything your imagination conjures up!
  4. Glue: Carefully glue the leaves in place.
  5. Decorate: (Optional) Use markers or crayons to add details to your artwork.

Preschool Activities and Beyond

This easy craft idea is perfect for preschool activities, but even older children will enjoy creating their own leaf art masterpieces. It’s a fantastic way to spend a day outdoors and bring a touch of nature into your home.

Thank you, Kuhu, for sharing your incredible talent with us! We can’t wait to see what other DIY projects you create.

Remember, at Curious Times, we believe that creativity has no limits. So, grab some leaves, let your imagination soar, create and share your own leaf art!

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KUHU Kacher

2, La Martiniere Girls' College, Lucknow, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

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