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Image depicting Environmental Posters: Kids Draw for Change

Environmental Posters: Kids Draw for Change

Image depicting Environmental Posters: Kids Draw for Change

Wow, Amit! Your “How I Can Change the Climate” poster is a powerful reminder that even kids can make a difference in protecting our environment. We at Curious Times are truly inspired by your creativity and passion for the planet. Your colorful and informative poster highlights the many ways we can all contribute to a healthier environment.

Saving Animals, Trees, and Water

We love how you’ve illustrated the importance of saving animals, trees, and water. Your drawings of fish, forests, and a dripping faucet remind us how precious these resources are. The message “Don’t Cut Trees” and “Grow Trees” is especially powerful, emphasizing the need to protect our forests.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Your poster also emphasizes the “3 Rs” – reduce, reuse, and recycle. These simple actions can have a big impact on reducing waste and pollution, as your drawing of a overflowing trash can and smoky factory reminds us.

Climate Change and Community Action

Amit’s poster is a call to action for kids and adults alike. It reminds us that we can all contribute to fighting climate change by making small changes in our daily lives. We’re so proud to share your artwork with our readers and encourage them to join you in making a difference.

Easy Steps to Create Your Own Environmental Poster

  1. Choose Your Message: What environmental issue do you care about most? It could be saving animals, protecting forests, reducing waste, or conserving water.
  2. Gather Your Supplies: Grab some paper, markers, crayons, or colored pencils.
  3. Sketch Your Ideas: Draw simple pictures that represent your chosen message.
  4. Add Words: Write a catchy slogan or a few short sentences to explain your message.
  5. Make It Colorful: Use bright colors to make your poster stand out.

Share Your Art with Curious Times

We would love to see your environmental posters! Share your artwork with us at Curious Times. Let’s inspire each other to protect our planet and create a better future for all.

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Curious Times is a leading newspaper and website for kids. We publish daily global news aligned to your learning levels (also as per NEP 2020): Foundational, Preparatory (Primary), Middle and Senior. So, check out the News tab for this. We bring kids’ favourite Curious Times Weekly newspaper every weekend with top news, feature stories and kids’ contributions. 

ME – My Expressions at Curious Times is your place to get your work published, building your quality digital footprint. And it is a good way to share your talent and skills with your friends, family, school, teachers and the world. Thus, as you will step into higher educational institutes your published content will showcase your strength.

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Amit Sharma

4, St marks senior secondary public school, New Delhi, Delhi

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