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Film Review – Yes Day(2021)

Yes Day, now streaming on Netflix, is a family comedy directed by Miguel Arteta. This film is about two parents Allison and Carlos giving their kids a Yes Day. In the context of the movie, Yes Day means a day where you tell your kids “YES” to everything they want. But there are a couple of ground rules. You cannot wish for anything in the future and you cannot say “NO”.

The film starts with Allison’s lifestyle. Allison used to say “YES” to everything. When she met Carlos in a coffee shop, she felt that he could be her life partner. Later Allison and Carlos got married and Allison gave birth to three kids – named Katie, Nando, and Ellie. When these kids were born, “NO” became the new word in the family. “No no no no no”, “Absolutely not”, “ Nope on a rope”, “A million times… NO”. When Katie, Nando, and Ellie grew up, things started to get worse. The more the three kids bugged their parents with demands, the more frequent the use of the word “NO” became. Katie wanted to go to the Fleak-Fest but her mom didn’t allow her as it wasn’t safe to go alone and mingle with insensitive boys and strangers. Nando wanted a mad party full of science experiments and Ellie had the same demand as Nando. Were their demands fulfilled? What happened in the duel between Allison and the other player claiming the pink gorilla? Who was thrown behind bars and why? What was hilarious when the bottle of fizzy Sprite flooded the house? What happened when Allison yelled frantically ‘Windows Down!!!’ during the car wash? Watch the delightful movie to catch many situations of comedy and unveil the growing tension.

Yes, Day conveys the message of how parents care for their kids and try their best to make them happy. The film makes teenagers sensitive to the unknown dangers they fail to foresee by not listening to their parents. To understand the parent-child relationship, Yes Day is a movie to both enjoy and reflect on.

Film Review by Arunima Ghosh, Grade 4. The Aga Khan Academy Hyderabad.

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