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It’s all about life

Tension, Tension in my mind would you please go for a while.
You always come to my mind as a jinx
whenever you come I feel like a depression patient.
I remorse myself when I think that I rendered you my mind without rent.
But mademoiselle this is not your fault
this is the marvellous innovation of god.

That you can change a pleasant day into a black day.
You can change an individual’s mind in seconds
without lending any of the alternatives.
You are the tremendous magician with the mysterious boxes.
Your structure is full of intricacy,
Which makes neurologists in Delima to tell any antidote of your supremacy.

But I have found one solution for you instead
Take you as a stock of the situation.
The problems which are given by you
can be cracked with a calm discussion.

So, whosoever reading my poem if you understand my intentions
next time when you are in tension.
Take a long breath, go to a lonely place and recall what did I mention.
Ohh my mind is relieved,
I am so glad because presently I can see this world
without that friction.

So tension-tension now you can go from my mansion
with your pessimistic friction.

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Isha Sharma

Grade 12+, DLDAV MODEL SCHOOL , Shalimar Bagh, New Delhi

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