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JAM Just A Minute | Elocution Challenge

JAM – Just A Minute | Elocution Challenge

Curious Times constantly brings for our student and school members interesting challenges, which are relevant like never before. “JAM – Just A Minute ChallengeBy Curious Times is challenging you to communicate and express yourself clearly on a given topic in not more than one minute.

Communication plays a key role in a student’s life. It is very important as they move forward in the Middle and Higher classes and Universities too. Some of us are shy in our earlier years and avoid communication. As we grow, we realise that there was no need for hesitating while speaking and expressing ourselves. So we recommend “Start early, start now”.

Curious Times is organising JAM, an Elocution Challenge for our young communicators. Students will be given topics and they have to express themselves in 1 Minute = 60 seconds.

We invite schools and individuals to participate in this exciting event. This 2021 event is open from 14th to 17th October 2021. Take a look at the details below and let us know if you require any additional information.



All students should add their school codes while registering. Members registered in the past, do not need to register again. Students should speak to their school mentors to get their school code.

If a school wants to appoint an internal School Mentor, who will send specific entries only, CONTACT US.


Schools can apply for a school code to Curious Times. We will provide schools with the registration page for their students to register. This code will help the student participants to participate with their school logos being reflected in their participation on the website. There are certificates and awards for schools with high registrations, participation and, winners.

In order to receive your school code and school page with a link for participation, fill in the details in the form given below:



1. You have to be a member of Curious Times. Existing members can Login and participate on the days of the event.
Participate on this link: ME – My Expressions.

2. If you are new to Curious Times, Register for FREE on this Link: Join Us and participate on ME – My Expressions.

3. Students applying individually should check with their schools too. If their school is participating, they will be using the school code. The schools are also eligible for winning the certificates and Leader Board Mentions.

JAM – Just A Minute Challenge By Curious Times 2021 will be a digital event

We know that the Curious Times Community is diverse and is spread across India, the US, the Middle East and Southeast Asia too. We are all in remote locations and of course, many of us are studying in our homes.

So, digital connectivity has given us an opportunity to come together. With it, we can do and say what we could not otherwise. This way, students from across various cities, states and countries can participate.

The Just A Minute Challenge brings opportunities to children to participate and create their digital footprint too. All viewers and readers of Curious Times can view all approved entries digitally.

Participants’ Categories

We have aligned the challenge to the school grades. 

(a) Level 1 – Starter (Grade 1 to 2)
(b) Level 2 – Primary (Grade 3 to 5)
(c) Level 3 – Middle (Grade 6 to 8)
(d) Level 4 – Senior (Grade 9 to 12)

Frequently Asked Questions:

Who can participate?

Any student, starting from Grade 1 to 12, can participate.

Is there a Registration Fee?

Normally such events are paid. However, due to the ongoing pandemic, Curious Times would not be charging any registration fee for this event.

School Registrations – Schools can apply for a school code to Curious Times. We will provide schools with the registration page for their students to register. This code will help schools participate with their school logo being reflected in their participation.

Individual Registrations – Register Here. The registration makes you a Member of Curious Times and then you can participate.

When is the event?

Any student, can at any time, participate in Curious Times. However, Just A Minute Challenge 2021 dates are: 

14th October, 12 Noon IST, and will be available till 18th October 2021, 12 Noon IST.

What should I do to send my response?

Choose your topic and prepare your speech video. Make sure your submission does not exceed 60 secs in order to avoid disqualification.

On the days of the event (14th to 17th October 2021), participate on this link: ME – My Expressions. The students should give their YouTube Link. Choose the RIGHT THEME AND TOPIC.


Curious Times will only issue the certificates as per the data at the time of the submission of the entry. Certificates cannot be changed later.

JAM (Just A Minute) Challenge By Curious Times – certificates and prizes

1. All participants will be eligible to receive a ‘certificate of participation.
2. Students with Top-level entries will be given an “Outstanding Performance Certificate”.
3. All certificates will be digital.
4. There will be Winners’ Certificates for the top 3 performers in each grade. So, overall, there will be 36 winners for individual performance.
5. The top 5 participating schools with maximum participation will receive a certificate, appear on the Leader Board and will receive mention in the Curious Times Newspaper and Magazine.
6. Top 10 member schools with maximum winners will receive a certificate and will be featured in the Curious Times article.

More about school participation

In order to receive your school code for participation, fill in the details in the form given below.


In the case of participating schools, the student entries will carry the school logo when they are published. We will also publish the school logo in the Curious Magazine. Such schools will also be eligible for school-level trophies and featured articles as mentioned in points number 7 and 8 above. If you require any additional information, WhatsApp message on 7042330051.

Other Rules

  • We will declare the topics on 14th October 2021 itself.
  • Make sure you write the Topic clearly in the “Post Content” field.
  • All submitted entries will be moderated for content and language appropriateness.
  • Please do not submit the same entry more than once as it would be considered spamming and will be disqualified. You can make ONE ENTRY ONLY.
  • Curious Times reserves the right to publish entries based on our editorial decision and discretion.
  • You will receive an email from Curious Times, once your entry is published.
  • The decision of the Jury will be final and binding.

Special request

We believe in healthy participation. So, we encourage the readers and participants to generously give Curious Claps to the participants. Some of the students are first time participants and your encouragement will help them too.


Follow our social handles:

Keep watching this space for more details on this challenge. You, your family and schools can follow our social handles and messaging groups to stay posted.

Instagram: @curioustimesofficial
Facebook: @curioustimesofficial
Telegram: Curious Times Channel
Teachers WhatsApp Group: 21st Century Educators.
Grade-wise links to Parents’ WhatsApp Groups are on the website.

All the best for the event! Register NOW!

  (Please login to give a Curious Clap to your friend.)


SignUp to Participate Now! Win Certifiates and Prizes.


Comments: 5
  1. Nikitha says:

    On the days of the event (14th to 17th October 2021), participate on this link: ME – My Expressions. The students should give their YouTube Link. Choose the RIGHT THEME AND TOPIC.

    1. Where can we choose the theme and topic?
    2. What youtube link we must share while posting?

    Please help me to find the answer,
    Thank you.

    • curioustimes says:

      Hello Dear

      You are already a registered member.
      Now, we will post the topics on the 14th of October. There would be a space to insert the video link. This message is a heads up for aspirants who have not registered so far.

      We look forward to your participation. There are more Live themes and events on the platform, do participate.


  2. P10939 says:

    What is the theme

  3. curioustimes says:

    Themes will be declared on the 14th of October. Stay in touch for more information, as we move closer to the event.
    Make sure your name, spellings, school name everything is alright in My Account, so when you participate, there is no data error.
    Once an entry is submitted, no changes can be made in the published posts or the certificates.
    Look forward to your participation.

  4. P10939 says:

    I am asking about the meaning of the theme.

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