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Joke of the Day

  • Why did the superhero flush the toilet?
    Because it was his doody.

  • Person 1: Knock-knock.
    Person 2: Who’s there?
    Person 1: Atch.
    Person 2: Atch who?
    Person 1: Bless you!

  • Q: What do you call the horse that lives next door?
    A: Your neighbor!

  • What has a ton of ears but can?t hear a thing?
    A corn field.

  • Q: Why can?t a person?s nose be 12 inches long?
    A: Because then it would be a foot!

  • Q: How do mountains stay warm in winter?
    A: Snowcaps

  • Q: What do cows order from?
    A: Cattle-logs!

  • Q: Why should you never trust a pig with a secret?
    A: Because it?s bound to squeal.