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Image depicting Nathan who found a rare dinosaur skeleton

Rare dinosaur skeleton is discovered by a 12-year-old boy


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, fellow dinosaur enthusiast! Get ready to be amazed by an incredible discovery made by Nathan Hrushkin, a 12-year-old Canadian rockstar!

Important Details

  • So, picture this: Nathan and his dad were out on a hiking trip in the dinosaur hotspot of Alberta, Canada, back in July. And guess what they stumbled upon? Bones poking out of a rock!
  • But hold on to your paleontologist hats because those bones turned out to be none other than a rare dinosaur skeleton! Can you believe it?
  • Now, being the super smart duo they are, Nathan and his dad wasted no time in reaching out to the Royal Tyrrell Museum in Alberta. They shared photos of their jaw-dropping discovery and revealed the exact spot where they found it. Talk about teamwork, right?
  • Well, guess what happened next? The scientific wizards at the museum swung into action and managed to unearth the entire skeleton just last week. And let me tell you, this find is no ordinary dino. It’s the skeleton of a young Hadrosaur, or as some like to call it, a duck-billed dinosaur. How cool is that?
  • Now, here’s the kicker: Dinosaur skeletons from this period, around 69 million years ago, are about as rare as finding a T-Rex in your backyard. Seriously, they’re like hidden treasures waiting to be discovered, and Nathan hit the jackpot!
  • And get this, folks—Nathan has been a dino-devotee since he was a mere six years old. Can you imagine the shock and awe he felt when he stumbled upon this ancient wonder? I bet it was like discovering a hidden portal to the Mesozoic era!
  • So, let’s give a big round of applause to our young adventurer, Nathan, for his mind-boggling discovery. It just goes to show that you’re never too young to make history.
  • Who knows, maybe one day you’ll uncover a dinosaur of your own! Keep exploring and never stop being amazed by the wonders that lie buried beneath our feet.

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