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Whale skeleton discovered in Thailand


Recommended for Middle Grades

Hey there! We’ve got some amazing news for you. In the land of Thailand, a mind-blowing discovery was made in November—a nearly perfect ancient whale skeleton! Can you believe it? This incredible find has got scientists buzzing with excitement.

Now, they haven’t confirmed the exact age of this majestic creature yet, but they think it’s been chilling underwater for a whopping 3,000 to 5,000 years. Talk about an ancient mariner!

Important Details

  • This whale skeleton is a behemoth, measuring a staggering 12 meters long, with a head estimated to be around 3 meters. Can you picture the size of that thing? It’s colossal!
  • And guess what? This giant belongs to a special type of whale called Bryde’s whale. They’re like the sun-loving beach bums of the whale world, known for their love of warm waters. They’re even called “tropical whales” because of their preference for balmy seas. How cool is that?
  • But wait, there’s more! Bryde’s whales are still cruising around in Thailand’s waters today, and they’re even protected because they’re such special creatures. So it’s like a family reunion of sorts, connecting the ancient past with the present.
  • Now, here’s the really exciting part. This discovery is super rare. Whale fossils, especially ones in such great condition, are hardly ever found in Asia. It’s like finding a treasure chest full of secrets!
  • Scientists are pumped because they believe studying this ancient whale can unlock a treasure trove of knowledge. They want to compare it to its modern-day Bryde’s whale cousins and see what’s changed over thousands of years.
  • Not only that, but these clever experts hope to learn about the environment and sea levels from way back when this whale was alive. It’s like a time machine, taking us on a journey through history!
  • So, our curious reader, keep your eyes peeled for more updates on this incredible discovery. Who knows what mysteries it might unravel? And remember, sometimes the past can teach us fascinating things about the present and future. Happy exploring!

Watch a video

Here is a video of a Bryde’s whale:

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