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Image depicting 16-year-old Pune boy's amazing photo of the Moon goes viral

16-year-old Pune boy’s amazing photo of the Moon goes viral


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Can you see the amazing photo of the Moon above?

This photo was taken by a 16-year-old boy from Pune named Prathamesh Jaju. He took nearly 50,000 photos of the Moon and spent about 40 hours getting this photo.

This amazing photo of the Moon is a photo of the Mineral Moon. This means the photo shows the different colours of the Moon, making it look almost 3D. The Moon may normally look white or yellowish to us. But it is made up of many materials and so, they can be a little different in colour.

Prathamesh says he learned how to click this amazing photo of the Moon by watching YouTube videos. He says that he wants to study the universe in the future.

Do you also like to watch the Moon and stars in the night sky? You can also try taking an amazing photo of the Moon.

Watch a video of the Moon below. Video credit: Socratica Kids/Youtube


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