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Image depicting 2022’s most breathtaking pictures of wild animals!

2022’s most breathtaking pictures of wild animals!


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Wildlife Photographer for 2022 is published. The competition is held every year and is run by the Natural History Museum in London.

More than 38,000 people from nearly fifty countries made submissions to the contest. And from that group, 20 winners were chosen.

Ball of Bees!

Image depicting 2022 Wildlife Photographer of the Year contest

  • The Grand Title in this year’s competition goes to a ball of buzzing cactus bees rolling across the hot sand.
  • The photographer “Karine Aigner” stands out from more than thirty thousand entries.
  • In the 58-year history of the tournament, she is the fifth woman to win the Grand Title prize.
  • Most species of bees are in danger of going extinct.
  • This is happening as a result of the destruction of their natural environment.
  • In addition, pesticides are being used, and the temperature is changing.
  • But that didn’t stop the group of buzzing insects in the winning picture from trying to have babies.
  • In the middle of that ball of male bees, there is only one female bee. The male bees are all buzzing around her.
  • As the male bees fight over who gets to mate first, Aigner’s camera clicks!

Baleen Whale!

Image depicting Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2022

Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2022

  • Katanyou Wuttichaitanakorn is named Young Wildlife Photographer of the Year for a picture he took of a baleen whale.
  • Katanyou is 16 years old and from Thailand.
  • When the whale came up close to the boat, the young photographer was amazed by the different colours and textures of the whale’s dark skin, pink gum, and the brush-like mass of baleen hanging from the whale’s top mouth.
  • There were more than thirty thousand entries in the competition from more than ninety different countries. 

View the complete list of winning entries here along with the stories behind each picture.

National History Museum gives a glimpse of the brand-new photographs on display at the Wildlife Photographer of the Year Exhibition.

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