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Image depicting 2023 Asia Cup: India Champions!

2023 Asia Cup: India Champions!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

India Beats Pakistan in a Thrilling Hockey Game

The Big Game That Had Us All On The Edge

Picture this, kids: you and your friends are playing your favorite video game. You’re losing by a couple of points, but you don’t give up. With determination, you make a massive comeback, and in the final moments, you WIN! Imagine the cheers, the high-fives, and that sweet taste of victory. Well, that’s exactly how the Indian men’s hockey team felt when they beat Pakistan in the Men’s Hockey 5s Asia Cup 2023!

How The Match Played Out?

In the first half, it was like watching an intense game of musical chairs. Pakistan was leading 3-2, and they were in control of the game. It seemed like they had the remote and were fast-forwarding to victory. But India wasn’t going to let them win that easily!

Just like your favorite superhero makes a comeback, India bounced back. They managed to tie the game at 4-4 by the time the referee blew the whistle for full-time. It was like watching a movie with a cliffhanger ending, and we couldn’t wait to see what happened next!

The Players Who Stole The Show

In the penalty shootout, Maninder Singh and Gurjot Singh were like the wizards casting their spells. Whoosh! Goal for India! And let’s not forget our goalkeeper, Suraj Karkera. He was like the big wall in a castle, not letting the enemy in. He blocked shots from Pakistan’s Arshad Liaqat and Muhammad Murtaza. Heroes come in all shapes and sizes, and these guys were India’s heroes for the day!

The Secret Sauce to India’s Success

India’s secret recipe for success was teamwork and never giving up. Imagine you’re building a tower of blocks with your friends. One wrong move, and it could all tumble down. But if everyone works together, you can make it reach the sky! That’s what India did: they worked as a team, stayed focused, and looked for opportunities to score.

The Sweet Taste of Victory

India winning this match was like finding an extra cookie in the jar when you thought they were all gone. Hockey India announced a reward of Rs 2 Lakh for each player and Rs 1 Lakh for the support staff. The best part? India already qualified for the 2024 FIH Hockey 5s World Cup! It’s like getting a double scoop of your favorite ice cream. So, remember kids, never give up, and always aim for that extra cookie (or goal)!

Do-It-Yourself Activity for Our Little Champs!

Hockey Goalkeeper Drills


  1. Place a laundry basket as the goal.
  2. Take turns being the goalkeeper and the shooter using a soft ball.
  3. Try to stop the ball from going into the basket.

Learning Outcome:

This activity teaches you about the importance of defense in hockey and helps you improve your reflexes.

So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and try these fun activities to become the next Maninder Singh or Suraj Karkera in the making!

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