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Image depicting 6.9-magnitude earthquake jolts Taiwan!

6.9-magnitude earthquake jolts Taiwan!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Taiwan was hit by an earthquake that was 6.8 on the Richter scale. This has caused a convenience store to fall down and left hundreds of people stuck on mountain roads.

Train carriages went off the tracks. Also, four people had to be saved from a building that had caved in. More than 600 people can’t get away because mountain roads are blocked. The weather service says that the earthquake could be felt all over Taiwan.

Meteorologists say that the centre of the earthquake was in Taitung county. This quake happened after one with a magnitude of 6.4, but no one died because of it.

Key facts!

  • The fire department in Taiwan says that the earthquake has hurt more than 140 people.
  • People were stuck inside a crumbling building. They were saved, which is a good thing.
  • People whose cars fell off a broken bridge were also saved and taken to the hospital.
  • Six cars went off the tracks in eastern Taiwan, according to the Taiwan Railways Administration.
  • The fire department said that no one was hurt and that people were working to get the roads open again.
  • During the earthquake, a few buildings in Taipei, Taiwan’s capital, shook for a few seconds, and the island is still being shaken by aftershocks.
  • Science parks and cities where big semiconductor factories are located have said that their work has not been affected.

Dr Binocs from Peekaboo kids teaches us what is an earthquake.

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