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Image depicting A singing birthday card has more computer power than the Allied Army of WW II

A singing birthday card has more computer power than the Allied Army of WW II


Recommended for Middle Grades

Have you ever received a singing birthday card? This card looks like an ordinary card but when you open it, music is played. This is because of a tiny computer chip in it.

Computers have come a long way since we first started using them. Today we take them for granted. It’s the reason, that kids think that it’s their birthright to get a new video-game system every year as a present. Because every new game system is almost twice as powerful as the one they got last Christmas.

This advancement in technology is the reason your singing birthday card has more processing power than the combined computers of the Allied Forces in World War II!

In World War II,  the Allied Army consisted of the armies of  Great Britain, France, the Soviet Union (former Russia), the US and other countries.

How small can computers get?

The economic destiny and prosperity of entire nations may rest on one question. Can silicon-based computer technology sustain Moore’s law beyond 2020?

Moore’s law states that we can increase the speed and power of our computers every couple of years. Moreover, for every increase, we pay less.

But the laws of physics suggest that this doubling cannot be sustained forever. Hence, transistors will become so tiny that their silicon components will be near the size of their molecules. At these tiny distances, the rules of Quantum mechanics take over.

We can only imagine what amazing technological advancements humans will get to see in the future.


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