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Image depicting A Special Event: Ningaloo Eclipse!

A Special Event: Ningaloo Eclipse!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

A rare and exciting event is happening on April 20, 2023, called the Ningaloo Eclipse. This is a type of solar eclipse where the moon passes in front of the Sun, causing the sky to get dark.

But this isn’t just any solar eclipse, it’s a hybrid solar eclipse!

This means that it will change from an annular eclipse, where the Sun looks like a ring of fire, to a total eclipse, where the Sun is completely covered by the Moon.

Important Details

  • The Ningaloo Eclipse will only be visible from a small area in Western Australia, near Exmouth.
  • This is the only place where people will be able to see the total eclipse.
  • Other places around the world will only see a partial eclipse.
  • It’s important to remember that you should never look directly at the Sun during an eclipse, because it can hurt your eyes.
  • Even if you can’t see the eclipse from where you live, you can still watch it online through a live stream.
  • The Ningaloo Eclipse is a very rare event that only happens once every 400 years, so it’s very special for anyone who gets to see it.

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Watch a video

The Youtube Channel “Secrets of the Universe” explains hybrid solar eclipse.

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