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Image depicting A village in Maharashtra goes offline to promote socialising!

Vadgaon goes offline to promote socialising!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey! Guess what? There’s a village in India called Vadgaon where the people have decided to break free from two modern addictions. Can you guess what those addictions are?

Well, they are television and mobile internet! Isn’t that funny and practical at the same time?

Screens Off

  • Every night at 7 o’clock, the people of Vadgaon hear a siren. It’s like a special alarm clock, but instead of waking them up, it tells them to turn off their TVs and cell phones. Imagine hearing a loud sound like that every night! Then, at 8:30 p.m., when the village council sounds the siren for the second time, they can turn their TVs and phones back on.
  • You know what? They made this decision on the day before India’s Independence Day. They thought it was time to do something about their addiction to screens. So, starting from the next day, whenever the alarm went off, they would turn off the power to all the TVs and mobile devices in the village. Can you imagine not being able to watch your favorite TV shows or play games on your phone whenever you want?
  • Vadgaon is a village in Maharashtra, and most of the people there are farmers or work in sugar mills. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the older people in the village noticed that the younger ones were spending too much time on TV and cell phones instead of studying online. So, they decided to take action and bring back regular classes for all the students. But even after school, instead of playing outside or talking to each other, the students and even the adults would get lost in their screens.
  • Medical experts say that too much screen time can make people feel stressed and lonely. They found that teenagers who feel stressed are more likely to use the internet to escape from their feelings. But guess what? It’s important to spend time with family, talk to each other, get enough sleep, eat good food, and do offline activities for fun. That’s how you stay healthy and happy!
  • So, my little friend, the people of Vadgaon are trying something new and funny to break free from their addiction to TVs and cell phones. They are turning off their screens for a few hours every day, and it’s making them spend more time together, talk, and have fun in other ways. It may seem strange, but it’s actually a great idea to take breaks from screens and enjoy the real world around us.
  • Remember, balance is key. It’s okay to enjoy your favorite shows and play games on your phone, but it’s also important to spend time with family, play outside, and explore new things. Just like the people in Vadgaon, let’s make sure we don’t get too addicted to screens and miss out on all the wonderful experiences life has to offer.

Watch a video

Youtube user “The Nathni Girl” takes you on a virtual tour of Vadgaon Village in Maharashtra.

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