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Acacia trees can warn each other of danger!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Acacia is a plant belonging to the pea family. There are about 160 species of acacia trees and shrubs in the world. They are found in hot and humid areas of the world.

That includes Australia (where they are called wattles) and Africa.

Key facts about Acacia trees!

  • An acacia tree can warn nearby other acacia trees when a giraffe starts chewing on it.
  • It sends a distress signal by producing ethylene gas.
  • When other acacia trees smell the ethylene gas, they start pushing tannins into their leaves.
  • If giraffes eat a lot of tannins, it can make them very sick.
  • However, giraffes are also very smart.
  • They know that the smells of the ethylene gas can only reach up to a distance of 100 metres (if the wind is not blowing).
  • So, they start chewing plants beyond a 100-metres distance.
  • Scientists call this the “wood-wide web“.
  • According to them, all the trees in every forest have connections through underground fungal networks.
  • Trees share water and nutrients with each other through these networks.
  • They also use them to send warnings if there is a chance of drought, disease, or insect attack.
  • So, other trees can change their behaviour when they receive these messages.

Youtube user “SelfHelpAfrica TV” shares how farming households in Kenya generate income from the Acacia Tree.

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  1. Dr Sangeeta Saini says:


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