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Adani Group to operate 5 Non-metro Airports


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Hello, young explorers! Ever wonder who takes care of the airports where all those big, shiny planes land? Well, last year, the big bosses of India made a decision that may surprise you.

A long time ago (well, last year), the Government of India thought, “Hmm, maybe we should let private companies manage our airports. That might be cool!” This idea is called “airport privatisation.”

Airports, Adani & Adventures!

  • So, which companies got to manage these fancy airports? Drumroll, please! The Adani group, which is a really big company, got a golden ticket (more like contracts) to take care of some airports like Ahmedabad, Lucknow, Jaipur, Thiruvananthapuram, and Mangalore.
  • BUT! There was a twist! Guwahati was also on the list, but someone said, “Hold on! Let’s think about this.” And the Guwahati High Court pressed the pause button on the privatisation process there.
  • There are other airports where the government shakes hands with private companies and manages them together. This is called the PPP model, which stands for “Public Private Partnership” (not ‘Peppy People Party’ as I once thought!). Some examples are:
    • GMR taking care of New Delhi, Hyderabad, and Goa.
    • GVK looking after Mumbai and Bengaluru.
  • Now, a little birdie told us about the Adani Group. They are a BIG deal in India. Imagine having a cake and adding all your favorite toppings. That’s Adani Group with businesses! They’re based in Ahmedabad and were founded by a guy named Gautam Adani in 1988. This group does a lot of things: from energy, moving stuff around (logistics), farming, building houses (real estate), to even things related to planes and defense!
  • What can we learn from this? Companies like Adani are like the cool kids in school who are good at many things. And sometimes, governments think these companies can help make airports even better!
  • In the grand game of airport management, different teams (or companies) are chosen to take care of different airports in India. Sometimes, there are surprises, and sometimes, it’s business as usual. But one thing’s for sure: the next time you’re at an airport, remember there’s a lot of planning and teamwork that goes into making your journey fly smoothly! Safe travels, readers!

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