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Alien Space Toys Confuse Galactic Scientists!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there! Guess what? Scientists have discovered some super strange objects right in the center of our galaxy, the Milky Way. Now, these objects are orbiting around a supermassive black hole called Sagittarius A*.

That already sounds pretty weird, right? But what’s even stranger is that these objects are like nothing else we’ve seen in the whole galaxy. They are so different that astronomers had to give them a brand-new class and called them G objects. G for “gotta find out what these things are!”

Mysterious Objects

  • The first two objects, G1 and G2, caught the attention of astronomers almost 20 years ago. They looked like giant gas clouds, but here’s the twist: they didn’t act like gas clouds. Nope, no way! They behaved more like stars. Imagine if your teddy bear suddenly started acting like a robot. That’s how strange it was!

  • Fast forward to 2020, and more of these peculiar objects were found. They were named G3, G4, G5, and G6. Now, here’s the funny part: these objects were all on different wacky orbits. Some took 170 years to complete their orbit, while others took a whopping 1,600 years. That’s like going around the sun in a really, really slow roller coaster!

  • Scientists were scratching their heads, trying to figure out what these G objects actually are. One big clue came from G2 when it got really close to the black hole in 2014. It got stretched out and lost some of its outer gas. It went from being a plain old gas cloud to a contorted shape like a piece of spaghetti!

  • Some astronomers think that these objects could be the result of massive binary stars colliding. Binary stars are like best friends that orbit around each other. Sometimes they crash into each other and become one big star. When this happens, a huge cloud of dust and gas forms around the new star. That’s what the G objects might be!

  • But here’s the thing: the super-duper strong gravity around the black hole might be messing with these binary stars and making them merge more often than we thought. It’s like the black hole is a troublemaker, causing stellar friendships to go haywire!

  • There’s still a lot to learn about these weird objects, and scientists are keeping a close eye on them. They want to know if there will be more strange fireworks or surprises coming from the black hole. It’s like watching a never-ending cosmic show!

  • So, my friend, there’s something truly bizarre happening at the center of our galaxy. These G objects are like nothing else in the Milky Way. We’ll just have to keep exploring and studying to unravel the mystery. Who knows what hilarious surprises are waiting for us in space?

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