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Image depicting Ancient Art Unveils Winged Medusa!

Ancient Art Unveils Winged Medusa!


Recommended for Archaeology

Alright readers, are you ready to hear an amazing story that’s both amazing and exciting? Buckle up because here we go!
Once upon a time, in a place far away in western Spain, there was a hidden treasure. And guess what? It’s not a pirate’s chest filled with gold coins, but an ancient picture made of tiny, colorful stones.

It’s called a mosaic, and it’s more than 1,800 years old. Can you believe that? It’s as old as your great-great-great-great (add a lot of ‘greats’) grandparents! This beautiful picture was discovered in an ancient house, a real fancy one, like those in fairytales.

Mosaic Mysteries: Unearthing Medusa

  • This mosaic was hiding a big surprise. At its center was Medusa! Now, don’t be scared, she was just a character from ancient Greek stories. She had snakes instead of hair and anyone who looked at her turned into stone. But this was not the scary Medusa we usually hear about. This Medusa had a round face, big eyes, messy hair, wings like an angel (though she wasn’t one), and even a face turned slightly to the side. Maybe she was feeling a bit shy?
  • This Medusa picture was placed in a fancy pattern that looked like a giant octagon. Around her, there were lots of other cool stuff too, like masks, funky geometric patterns, and all sorts of animals, even four super colorful peacocks! Each peacock was like a season: spring, summer, fall, and winter.
  • You know why this Medusa picture was there? According to a smart man named José Vargas, it was to keep away bad luck and evil spirits, kind of like a superhero but in a picture! And you know what else? Even though most people think of Medusa as a monster, this picture showed her a bit differently.
  • Back in Roman times, they made her look a little bit like a famous guy named Alexander the Great. And, the fact that this mosaic is all colorful and not just black and white means it was made in a time long, long ago, in the second century A.D. How cool is that?
  • This awesome mosaic, as big as a classroom, was found by students – just like you! It was probably used to make one of the main rooms in that ancient house look super fancy. Maybe even the dining room!
  • According to a man named Félix Palma, this ancient house is truly special because it’s really well-preserved, and it has not just this Medusa mosaic, but also cool paintings and sculptures. We bet living in that house was like living in a museum!
  • So, next time when you draw a picture, think about how someone might find it in the future and think it’s the greatest treasure of all!

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Watch a video

Dive into the captivating tale of Medusa, a legend of Greek Mythology, in the following video!

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