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Animal intelligence: New study shows if a dog could be a “genius”


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Animal intelligence

If you have a pet dog, you know smart they are. Dogs are considered to be “man’s best friend” and are known for their intelligence.

A new study shows that some dogs can learn the name of a new object after hearing it only four times. This is an ability that we previously thought that only humans had. But only a few dogs have this ability.

The new study involved a collie called Whisky, who knew 59 objects by name, and a Yorkshire terrier called Vicky Nina, who knew 42 toys.

Animal intelligence

The scientists tested each dogs’ knowledge of their toys by asking them to bring each toy in turn.

Then, the researchers introduced two new objects. They placed each new toy in a group of known toys, turn by turn. In this test, Whisky chose the new toy every single time but Vicky Nina was less correct.

Next, the dog was shown a toy, told its name and was then allowed to play with it. After repeating the name of the two new toys four times, the dog was asked to choose one of the two new toys.

Both dogs chose the new toys more often, showing they were learning the name of a new object very quickly.

The same test was carried out with other dogs but they didn’t show the same ability.


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