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Image depicting Animals also practise 'social distancing' to avoid diseases, Curious Times

Animals also practise ‘social distancing’ to avoid diseases


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It turns out that some animals also practise social distancing. Why? To protect their groups from diseases (just like humans!).

These days, we hear about ‘social distancing’ a lot. This means staying far apart from each other to avoid spreading diseases, specially COVID-19.

A study shows that six social animals (animals that live in groups), actively avoid or exclude one another to stop diseases. These animals include ants, bats, lobsters, and bees. It can cause great danger to the individual sometimes but they still do it.

How do they behave?

Ants and termites sometimes send warning signals to others in their community, even before they’ve even been infected with a disease. This makes other members of their groups avoid them.

Infected ants remove themselves from the nest, even if it’s dangerous for them.

Bees act the most strongly in these cases – they even drag infected bees out of the nest to save the rest.

All this shows that even animals understand the importance of social distancing to prevent diseases. So, if they can do it, so can we.


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