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Animals: Why wombats have cube-shaped poo


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Wombats are marsupial animals found in Australia. Marsupials are animals that carry their young in pouches on their stomach. Wombats are also the only animals in the world known to produce cube-shaped poop.

Scientists have been puzzled by this cube-shaped poop for a very long time. Wombats can pass up to 100 deposits of poop a night. They use the piles to mark territory as the shape stops it from rolling away.

So, why is its poo cube-shaped?

It turns out that the intestines of wombats are very elastic. The intestine is the long tube in the body that carries food away from the stomach to the place where it leaves the body.

Elasticity means they can stretch (like rubber).  This elasticity helps their body shape the poop into cubes.

Scientists are amazed at this finding as they have never seen anything like before in animals.

Watch a video on wombats below:


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