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Arctic Tern, a bird that flies around the world every year


Recommended for Foundational Grades

  Among all the birds, the little Arctic Tern makes the longest flights each year on Earth. This small gray-and-white bird is well known for […]

Comments: 5
  1. Kristine says:

    What an adventurous bird !

  2. yatharthkrishan says:

    yep it is

  3. curioustimes says:

    Thanks, Kristine and Yatharth.
    Glad you liked the article.

    Keep reading, Stay Curious!

  4. suryassangyinichaudhary says:


    I hope she gets well treated when she is out for migration…. It will be and it is very hard for any living being to migrate. But this bird has done it.

    Proud of that bird

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