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Artworks found inside ancient Cueva de Ardales cave


Recommended for Middle Grades

Long, long ago in 1821, in a place called Southern Spain, there was a BIG earthquake. You know, the ground shake-shake-shaking kind? It did something pretty cool. It uncovered a secret door to a hidden cave, named Cueva de Ardales. It was like a surprise present from nature!

This wasn’t just any ordinary cave. Nope, it was like a mysterious art gallery! With more than 1,000 beautiful pictures and designs scratched and painted in red all over the walls, ceilings, and rocks.

Middle Magic: A Peek into the Past

Then, a team of super-smart people called archaeologists, think of them as history detectives, came to investigate this exciting cave. They used special science tools like radiocarbon and uranium-thorium dating (sort of like time machines!) to understand how old everything in the cave was.

They had a big, BIG thought: it was the Neanderthals, very, very old human-like beings, who were the amazing artists of these cave paintings. Can you imagine? These artworks were made around 58,000 years ago. That’s like older than your great-great-great (keep going) grandparents!

The history detectives thought that these Neanderthals were the first ones to step foot in this cave during a time called the Middle Stone Age. Then, they guessed that more humans visited the cave during another time called the Neolithic period.

Mystery and More: What They Found Inside

The cave wasn’t just used for creating awesome art. Nope, it was also a resting place for those who had passed away. The history detectives found out that Ardales was not a normal camping spot.

They discovered cool things like a deer tooth, bones of cats (don’t worry, they passed away a long, long time ago), pieces of something called ocher, and even some old tools! Plus, they found bits of rope and charcoal from the times when pirates sailed the seas.

But here’s the fun part – there was no natural sunlight in the deepest parts of the cave. But there were pictures there too! The detectives found charcoal leftovers near the artwork. That’s a clue! The artists must have made their own little lamps to see while they painted. Isn’t that clever?

Wrapping Up: And the Mystery Continues…

Even though it took nearly 100 years for people to understand how important this ancient cave was, there are still so many secrets left to uncover. So, who knows? Maybe there’s even more art waiting to be discovered from those very old times.

We can’t wait to find out more about the Cueva de Ardales! Who knows what we’ll find next! Keep guessing and imagining, and don’t forget to share what you think might be hiding in the cave down below!

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