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Image depicting At 3 feet 5 inches, Zeus is the world’s tallest dog!

At 3 feet 5 inches, Zeus is the world’s tallest dog!


Recommended for Foundational Grades

The world’s tallest living dog is an American Great Dane named Zeus (male). Zeus is an incredibly tall dog. He is a whopping 3 feet 5.18 inches tall.

Zeus belongs to Brittany Davis, who took him in when he was only eight weeks old. Zeus now lives with the Davis family in Bedford, which is a city in the U.S. state of Texas.

People are afraid of Zeus because he is big. But he has quickly become famous and won the love of everyone in the neighbourhood. Davis says that everyone knows him and treats him extra special.

Zeus lives in a house with three small Australian Shepherds and a kitten. Even though Zeus is a big dog, he gets along well with his smaller pet siblings.

Key facts!

  • Brittany Davis had a deep desire to own a giant dog.
  • She had her sights set on the Great Dane, which is both the largest and the leggiest of all breeds of dog.
  • Her brother, Garrett Davis handed her a grey and white American Great Dane puppy that was just three months old.
  • Davis’s attention was instantly drawn to the tremendous size of his paws.
  • She believed that the name Zeus had a great ring to it, so she gave the dog that name.
  • Zeus is a messy, loving, clumsy and adorable dog, just like Davis always wanted.
  • According to Davis, when he is standing on his hind legs, he is over 2 metres tall.
  • He has a weight of around 400 kg.
  • He loves to eat and also enjoys chewing on carrots, fried eggs, deer antlers, and ice cubes.
  • She stated that the Dallas Farmers Market is one of Zeus’ favourite places to go because the majority of the community there recognises him.
  • Additionally, he maintains his own account on Instagram.
  • “He enjoys all of the attention and goodies that he gets, and wherever he goes, he offers people a lot of joy,” said Davis.

Guinness World Record gives you a glimpse into the daily life of Zeus.

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