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Baku Chronicles: Carlsen & Praggnanandhaa Face-Off!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Checkmate Chronicles: Praggnanandhaa’s Rise to the Top!

A Game-Changing Introduction:

Attention, young wizards! There’s a magical game, where knights, bishops, and kings battle! And guess what? Our very own Praggnanandhaa is making waves in this world of chess!

Once Upon A Chessboard:

Many years ago, legends like Bobby Fischer and Magnus Carlsen were the young heroes of this realm. Now, Praggnanandhaa, at just 18, joins their ranks, becoming the third youngest to earn such an honor. Just imagine, if Fischer and Carlsen were like Batman and Superman, then Praggnanandhaa is our very own Spider-man, swinging into action!

The Mighty Battles of Baku:

In a land far, far away – Baku, Azerbaijan, our young hero faced the mighty Fabiano Caruana, who’s like the Darth Vader of chess. But guess what? After some fierce battles, Praggnanandhaa sent Caruana packing! He’s now all set to challenge the chess kingpin, Magnus Carlsen.

Now, a quick dive into the past – An Indian chess superstar, Viswanathan Anand, won big titles around 20 years ago. But Praggnanandhaa is the first Indian to reach such heights in this new, super-cool knockout style since 2005.

The Epic Clash:

Here’s the juicy bit! After four peaceful games (draws), our hero, playing with white pieces (that’s a big deal in chess!), gained some advantage. By the time they reached the 63rd move, Caruana knew he was in deep waters, almost like a fish out of water! He gave up, and Praggnanandhaa was one step closer to victory.

A Twist in the Tale:

But, the battle wasn’t over. Both had their moments, like in a seesaw game, sometimes up, sometimes down. Praggnanandhaa had to be sharp, while Caruana waited for any tiny mistake. But in the end, our young hero stood tall!

The Queens of Chess:

Hold on! We can’t forget the amazing ladies. Aleksandra Goryachkina and Nurgyul Salimova had an intense face-off. Goryachkina, after some nail-biting games, took home the big prize of $50,000! That’s like buying 50,000 ice creams! But hey, Salimova didn’t leave empty-handed; she got $35,000 – that’s still a mountain of ice creams!

Inference Island:

In this magical world of chess, young talents like Praggnanandhaa and Salimova are making their mark. They’re proving that age is just a number, and when you’ve got talent, the sky’s the limit!

Concluding Checkmate:

So, budding wizards, the lesson here? Whether it’s chess, sports, or any magical adventure, never give up on your dreams. Who knows? Maybe you’re the next big hero or heroine in your own story! Keep playing, keep dreaming, and remember, every pawn can become a queen!

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