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Image depicting Beaver dams to the rescue - let there be water!

Beaver dams to the rescue – let there be water!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Beaver dams to the rescue – let there be water!

Ok kids, what’s dark-haired, looks like a goofball, teeth like chipmunks, whiskers that are sure to catch alien signals, and feels like the cutest animal on our planet? It’s your friendly beaver. Not only do they look like the next best thing to cuddle, but these cuties are also environment best friends – think “beaver dams!”

A clever person listened to his parents and studied hard, then he got into a good college and had a brilliant idea while drinking hot chocolate milk. He had always heard of beavers getting homeless because of wildfires. One day in a dream, the beavers complained to him and said, “What’s going on? Why do you keep stealing our homes? Can’t you do something for us”. He woke up all shook and felt he should do something to help the cuddly beavers.

As a clever person, he knew there are many water bodies in the United States which receive very little rain for long periods of time. Because of pollution and neglect, these water bodies could be helped. How? Well, beavers are not only cute but they think ahead and love to protect themselves by building structures in water bodies (such as Beaver Dams) from animals that love to eat them.

Also, beavers make sure there are no leaks in their dams because they hate the sound of trickling water. Some clever people have researched that beaver dams actually improve vegetation in dry areas which receive short periods of rain. So, these beaver dams not only provide a safe shelter during dry spells but also assist in keeping waterways clean.

That’s how the clever person put two and two together and voila! The beavers are a bit hit in the dry deserts of Utah in the United States. How cool is nature? Well, at Curious Times we keep bringing you such cool stuff!

Stay safe and keep learning!

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