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Big Company & Villagers Disagree About Coal!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there! Guess what? There’s a super interesting story about a big company called the Adani Group and some forest-dwelling tribes in India. Brace yourself for an adventurous tale full of protests, animals, and plants!

Once upon a time, the Adani Group wanted to open a new coal mine. But here’s the twist – the mine was planned right in the middle of a forest! Can you imagine? This forest is not just any forest; it’s a home to countless amazing animals and plants. They all live there, munching on leaves and exploring the wild.

The tribes, known as the Gond community, got really worried about this mine business. They thought, “Uh-oh, this might mess up our home and our way of life!” And guess what they did? They started protesting against the mine. Can you imagine people holding up signs and saying, “No coal mine, please!”

Important Details

  • Now, it’s not just the tribes who are against this whole mining thing. They got some pretty cool backup! Politicians and activists joined forces with them, saying, “Hey, let’s save the forest and all its critters!” It’s like a team of superheroes fighting for nature, isn’t it?
  • But guess what? The government said, “Sure, you can build the mine.” And the tribes were like, “Wait, what?” They didn’t give up! They kept on protesting, hoping that the government would listen and say, “You know what? Let’s save this forest and all its magnificent creatures!”
  • So, what’s the moral of the story? The tribes in India are standing up for their home and all the incredible animals and plants that call it home. They’re using their voices and their signs to say, “No, thank you!” to the big company that wants to build the coal mine.
  • And you know what’s really awesome? These tribes have been protesting for a whole year! That’s a long time, isn’t it? They’re hoping that their persistence will pay off and that the government will finally listen to them and stop the mine from being built.
  • So, little friend, let’s cheer for the tribes and their fight to protect their home. Let’s hope that their voices are heard and that the forest and its precious creatures can live happily ever after, away from any coal mines.

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