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Weekend Getaways: Heritage & Hospitality at Castle Mandawa


Recommended for Middle Grades

The Mandawa Riddle: A Curious Times Family Escapade in the Heart of Rajasthan

An ancient parchment, a cryptic invitation, a castle shrouded in mystery… It all began with a whisper from the past, a beckoning from the heart of Rajasthan. My partner-in-crime at Curious Times, Anjali, and I were not alone this time. Our two wide-eyed children, Maya and Arjun, were eager participants in this extraordinary family adventure.

The parchment crackled like desert leaves under our fingers, revealing an invitation to Castle Mandawa. A wax seal bearing the insignia of a crescent moon hinted at lunar secrets and hidden treasures. Maya’s eyes sparkled like the jewels we were destined to find.

“A real-life treasure hunt in a castle?” she squealed, her voice echoing Arjun’s excited gasp.

Where is Castle Mandawa?

Located in the midst of Shekhawati, Rajasthan you'll find Castle Mandawa, a sanctuary adorned with murals and rich tales of royalty.

What lies ahead at Castle Mandawa?

A historic fortress transformed into a hotel teeming with legends, mysteries and who knows even a hidden treasure.

How can one reach this retreat?

Embark, on a train journey, from Jaipur. Then enjoy a leisurely horse drawn carriage ride that will lead you to the entrance of the castle.

Weekend Getaways: Planning Your Own Escapade

  • Best Time to Visit:

    • October to March is ideal, with pleasant weather perfect for exploring. The days are warm and sunny, while the evenings offer a cool respite. Avoid the scorching summer months of April to June.
  • Family-Friendly Fun:

    • Castle Exploration: Let your little ones’ imaginations run wild as they navigate secret passages, decode riddles, and discover hidden chambers.
    • Camel Safari: Embark on a camel safari through the desert dunes, a quintessential Rajasthani experience for all ages.
    • Haveli Hopping: Explore the vibrant havelis (traditional mansions) of Mandawa, adorned with intricate frescoes and captivating stories.
    • Folklore and Puppet Shows: Immerse yourselves in the rich cultural heritage of Rajasthan with traditional music, dance, and puppet shows.
  • Must-Try Treats:

    • Indulge in delectable Rajasthani cuisine – dal baati churma, gatte ki sabzi, ker sangri, and the irresistible ghevar. The castle’s restaurant offers a delightful culinary journey for both kids and adults.
  • Nearby Gems:

    • Fatehpur: Witness the grandeur of Fatehpur’s havelis and stepwells, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
    • Nawalgarh: Discover the vibrant frescoes and bustling markets of this charming town.

The Desert Express to Adventure

Image depicting The Desert Express to Adventure

The Desert Express to Adventure

The train’s rhythmic clatter echoed the steady thrum of my heart, a symphony of anticipation building with each passing mile. Outside, the Rajasthani desert unfolded in a breathtaking panorama of sun-bleached dunes, thorny shrubs clinging to life, and the occasional flash of emerald oasis.

A kaleidoscope of colors danced before our eyes – women in vibrant ghagra cholis, their laughter like wind chimes, balancing water pots on their heads with practiced grace; men with weathered faces and proud turbans, their eyes reflecting centuries of tales etched onto the land.

The air, thick with the scent of spices and dust, carried the mournful strains of a ravanhatta, a haunting melody that seemed to rise from the very soul of the desert.

A World of Mystery and Magic

Anjali, her dark eyes shimmering with excitement, squeezed my hand. “Isn’t this incredible, Rahul?” she whispered, her voice barely audible over the rhythmic chugging of the train. “It’s like stepping into another world.”

“A world of mystery and magic,” I agreed, my gaze fixed on the weathered parchment that held the key to our adventure. “The first riddle speaks of a ‘lunar reflection.’ What do you make of it, Arjun?”

Our son, a budding Sherlock Holmes, furrowed his brow in concentration, his fingers tracing the cryptic words. “Could it be a reference to a moonstone, Papa?” he asked, his voice barely a whisper.

Maya, our artistic daughter, looked up from her sketchbook, her eyes sparkling with inspiration. “Or maybe a hidden chamber illuminated by moonlight?” she chimed in, her voice as sweet as the desert wildflowers.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with fiery hues of orange and crimson, I felt a shiver of anticipation run down my spine. The Mandawa Riddle was calling to us, and we were ready to answer its enigmatic call. The adventure had begun.

A Kaleidoscope of Clues

Image depicting A Kaleidoscope of Clues

A Kaleidoscope of Clues

Castle Mandawa exhaled a sigh of ancient secrets as we crossed its threshold. The sandstone walls, kissed by centuries of sun and sand, seemed to pulsate with a life force of their own. Torches flickered, casting long, dancing shadows that beckoned us deeper into the castle’s embrace.

The scent of jasmine and old parchment filled our family suite, a symphony of rich textures and vibrant hues. Sunlight, filtered through stained-glass windows, painted kaleidoscopic patterns on the marble floors, each one a potential clue whispering of forgotten stories. Maya, ever the artist, traced the patterns with her fingers, her eyes wide with wonder.

Arjun, the ever-logical one, examined an ornate map hanging above an antique desk, his brow furrowed in concentration.

Whispers in Sunlight

As we explored, the castle seemed to come alive around us. Floorboards creaked like whispers, unseen hands brushing against our skin. The moonlight, spilling through a high window, illuminated a hidden alcove, where a glint of silver caught Anjali’s eye. A moonstone pendant, nestled in a bed of velvet, beckoned her closer.

The pendant, cool and smooth to the touch, felt like a key to another realm. As we turned it over in our hands, a secret compartment revealed a tiny parchment, its edges frayed with age. The cryptic message, written in elegant script, sent a shiver of excitement down my spine. We had found our first clue, the beginning of a trail that promised adventure, danger, and perhaps, unimaginable treasures.

The Mandawa Riddle was unfolding, and our family was at the heart of it.

The Grand Unveiling

Image depicting The Grand Unveiling

The Grand Unveiling

A chill wind whispered through the jasmine vines, carrying the intoxicating scent of night-blooming flowers as we followed the final cryptic clue. The parchment, now worn and crinkled from our eager hands, directed us to a hidden courtyard bathed in the ethereal glow of the full moon.

The air thrummed with anticipation as we stepped onto cool flagstones, each footfall echoing in the stillness. A majestic banyan tree, its gnarled roots sprawling like ancient veins, stood sentinel over the courtyard’s secrets. Its leaves rustled like whispered incantations, as if the spirits of Mandawa’s past were urging us onward.

Guided by the moonlight, we followed a faint trail etched into the stone, our hearts pounding in unison with each step. The trail ended abruptly at the base of the banyan tree, where the earth yielded beneath our eager fingers.

Unearthing the Past

As we unearthed the chest, its ornate carvings glinting in the moonlight, a collective gasp escaped our lips. Arjun’s eyes, wide with wonder, met mine, reflecting the excitement that crackled in the air. Maya, her breath caught in her throat, could only manage a whispered, “Is this it?”

With trembling hands, I lifted the heavy lid, the hinges creaking like an ancient door opening for the first time in centuries. The chest overflowed with shimmering jewels – rubies the color of pigeon blood, emeralds that captured the essence of the lush gardens, and diamonds that sparkled like captured stardust.

Treasures Beyond Measure

But nestled among the glittering riches were treasures of a different kind: antique scrolls inscribed with forgotten tales, miniature paintings that captured the essence of a bygone era, and a carved ivory compass that seemed to point to adventures yet to come.

The children, their eyes wide with wonder, reached for the treasures, their fingers tracing the intricate designs with a reverence that touched my soul. In that moment, I realized that the true treasure was not in the material riches, but in the shared joy of discovery, the thrill of the chase, and the unbreakable bonds forged in the heart of a family adventure.

The jewels may have shimmered, but it was the sparkle in Maya’s eyes and the triumphant grin on Arjun’s face that truly lit up the night. The echoes of their laughter, the warmth of their embraces, and the shared memories of our quest – these were the treasures we would carry with us forever, long after the moon had set and the echoes of Mandawa’s secrets faded into the night.

The Mandawa Legacy

Our adventure at Castle Mandawa was more than a treasure hunt; it was a symphony of shared laughter echoing through ancient corridors, a tapestry of whispered secrets carried on the desert breeze, a feast of vibrant colors and intoxicating scents that ignited our senses. It was a celebration of family, of the bond that deepened with every riddle solved, every clue deciphered, every obstacle overcome together.

A Feast for the Senses

As we reluctantly bid farewell to the majestic sandstone walls, the desert sun painted the sky with hues of molten gold and fiery crimson, a final flourish to our unforgettable weekend getaways.

The camel cart, laden with the treasure chest—now overflowing with memories more precious than any jewel—creaked and swayed, carrying us back to the realm of ordinary life.

But ordinary was no longer enough. Our hearts, forever marked by the Mandawa Riddle, yearned for more. The whispers of Rajasthan’s legends lingered in our ears, the scent of ancient spices clung to our clothes, the echoes of laughter and discovery replayed in our minds.

Whispers of Rajasthan

We knew then, as the last rays of sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows that danced like ancient spirits, that our journey had just begun. The Mandawa Riddle was solved, but the Curious Times family weekend getaways were far from over. For in the heart of Rajasthan, where history whispers and legends come alive, adventure is not merely a possibility—it’s an inevitability.

And we, the intrepid explorers of Curious Times, were ready to embrace it.

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Join “Safarnama Traveller” on a thrilling journey to “Castle Mandawa”! Experience their epic adventure firsthand!

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