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Image depicting Champions of the Ring: Nitu & Saweety Rule the Boxing World!

Champions of the Ring: Nitu & Saweety Rule the Boxing World!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, little champ! Have you ever heard of boxing? It’s a sport where two people wear special gloves and throw punches at each other inside a ring. It may sound a bit funny, but it’s also pretty serious!

Guess what? Some awesome boxers from India recently did something amazing that made everyone really proud! Their names are Nitu and Saweety, and they won the World Championships! Can you believe it?

Indian Boxing Champions: Nitu & Saweety

  • Nitu, in the 48kg weight category, fought like a true superstar and won the gold medal. She was so good that she won all her matches with ease. She must have trained really hard and thrown some mighty punches!
  • Now, Saweety’s story is quite different. She competed in the 81kg weight category and had a tough fight. It was like a nail-biting adventure! But you know what? She showed great determination and won the title in a really close match. That must have been super exciting!
  • Both Nitu and Saweety didn’t just wake up one day and become champions. Oh no! They had to put in a lot of effort and train really hard to reach that level. They practiced their punches, footwork, and defensive moves to become the best in the world. And guess what? Their hard work paid off!
  • These incredible boxers made India shine with pride. They showed that no matter where you come from, if you work hard and stay dedicated, you can achieve anything! Nitu and Saweety are like real-life superheroes who teach us that dreams can come true.
  • So, my little friend, let’s take inspiration from these boxing champions. Let’s remember that with hard work, dedication, and a lot of practice, we can conquer any goal we set our minds to. Just like Nitu and Saweety, we can make our country and ourselves proud!
  • Keep dreaming big and never give up. Who knows, maybe one day you’ll become a champion in your own special way. Believe in yourself and keep going! You’ve got what it takes to make your dreams come true. Go, little champ, go!

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