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China completes the set up of its Global Navigation Satellite System


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Greetings, bright-eyed seeker! Guess what happened on Tuesday? China did something super cool! They launched the very last satellite for their special navigation system called BeiDou. It’s like a super smart map in space!

This is a big deal because now China is one of only four countries in the whole world that has its own navigation system in space. Can you believe it? The other countries with their navigation systems are the US, Russia, and the European Union.

BeiDou: China’s Space Compass

  • So, what’s this navigation thingy all about? Well, it’s called GNSS, which stands for Global Navigation Satellite System. It’s like having 20 space friends who help you figure out where you are on Earth! They work together to measure how far a signal travels to reach, say, your phone, and then they figure out exactly where you are on a map.
  • You know, GPS is the most famous navigation system that lots of people use on their phones and in airplanes. But China wanted to have its own special system, and they named it BeiDou after the Big Dipper constellation in the sky.
  • This is not China’s first satellite, though. They sent their very first BeiDou satellite to space back in 2000! And guess what? This new satellite is their 30th one! That’s a lot of satellites!
  • You might wonder why China wanted to make BeiDou when there’s already GPS. Well, they thought it would be great to have their very own system so they don’t have to rely too much on America’s GPS, especially for their armed forces. And you know what else? They hope that one day BeiDou will become popular all around the world, just like GPS.
  • Guess what else is exciting? China was super nice and let Pakistan be the first foreign country to use the BeiDou system. They shared their space map with Pakistan!
  • Now, let us tell you a little more about GNSS. The United States and Russia were the very first to build their own GNSS systems during a time called the Cold War. And guess when they finished building them? It was way back in 1995 when they said, “Ta-da! We’re ready to go!”
  • So, what do we learn from all of this? Well, we learn that China is really smart and hardworking to make their own space navigation system. They now have BeiDou to help them know where things are on Earth, just like GPS does for us.
  • It’s like having your own magic compass in the sky! And hey, it’s pretty cool to have so many space-friends up there, right?
  • So, there you have it, the story of China’s BeiDou satellite navigation system. It’s like they built their own treasure map in space! And they even shared it with their friend Pakistan. How cool is that?
  • Next time you look at your map or use GPS, you can remember that China has its own special navigation system called BeiDou up there among the stars. And who knows, maybe one day we’ll all be using BeiDou too!

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