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Image depicting China's 'Flying Submarines!'

China’s ‘Flying Submarines!’


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Chinese experts were able to test two submersible cross-media vehicles, which are often called “flying submarines.” These vehicles can go both underwater and into the air, where they can fly.

“Longbow 1” and “Longbow 2,” come up from the water and take off.

Underwater Robotics at Harbin Engineering University is said to have made the two different vehicles. The flying submarines have wings.

These submarines can carry one kilogramme of weight. Also, they can dive to a depth of one hundred metres.

Key facts!

  • After more than forty seconds of submerged navigation, the flying submarines went down below the surface of the water.
  • Then they came back up, changed their flight height, and then took off.
  • As per experts, a submersible trans-medium vehicle will be affected by wind, waves, and currents.
  • This is because it works in two very different environments.
  • The researchers did a number of simulation experiments to test their designs for Longbow 1 and Longbow 2.
  • This was basically based on the many performance criteria needed in air and water.
  • The team built the folding wing structure of Longbow-2 to improve its ability to switch between media.
  • During the test, the Longbow-2 was able to successfully get out of the water, spread its wings, and take off in less than six seconds.
  • China wants to make submarines that can fly so that it can get past its enemies’ air defences.
  • China is making a number of flying submarines, which are also called “transmedia vessels.”
  • Researcher claims that these “transmedia vessels” are mostly made for the military.
  • Furthermore, some of them can travel faster than the speed of sound.


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