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Image depicting China's zero-Covid policy sparks protests!

China’s zero-Covid policy sparks protests!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, young adventurers! Today, we’re taking a trip to China, where something truly unexpected happened. Picture this: On 25th November, a fire broke out in an apartment in the western region of China.

But wait, that’s not all! There were delays in putting out the fire, and people are saying it happened because of lockdown policies. Can you believe it? Well, hold onto your hats because things are about to get even more interesting!

Important Details

  • Get ready for some mind-blowing facts! Scholars say this is the first time ever that the Communist Party of China has faced such a challenge. That’s like shaking things up in a big way! The protests didn’t just stop there—they spread like wildfire all across the country. Yep, we’re talking rallies and demonstrations popping up like mushrooms after rain.
  • Guess what? China has been grappling with a record number of infections lately, which means more lockdowns. And while people are stuck inside, they’ve had enough! They’re taking to the streets, shouting slogans, and demanding an end to lockdowns and mass testing. It’s like a chorus of voices calling for change.
  • Videos shared on social media have captured these incredible scenes. Thousands of people gathered in Shanghai, mourning the fire victims and making their voices heard. But that’s not all—protests have erupted on over fifty Chinese college campuses! Can you imagine students standing up for what they believe in? It’s truly inspiring!
  • One group of students even gathered at President Xi’s College, Tsinghua University. They were chanting powerful words like, “We need democracy, rule of law, and independence of speech!” These young minds are standing tall and demanding their rights.
  • Now, here’s an interesting tidbit: The Chinese health specialists are sticking to the zero-COVID policy. They believe it’s crucial to keep the nation safe, especially with its aging population and strained medical system. But it seems like many people have a different opinion and are determined to make it heard.
  • So, my little adventurers, this is a story of people raising their voices, fighting for change, and challenging the norms. Keep your eyes and ears open because the world is full of surprises, and you never know when it’s time to stand up for what you believe in!

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