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COP26: World leaders promise to end deforestation by 2030


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The United Nations COP26 climate summit is currently underway in Glasgow, Scotland.

In the first important agreement at the summit, more than 100 world leaders have promised and agreed to end deforestation (cutting down trees) by 2030. They also promised to give about US$19.2 billion to help achieve this goal.

One of the important countries to agree to this pledge (promise) is Brazil. Brazil is home to a large part of the world’s largest rainforest, the Amazon, and deforestation is a major issue in the country. So, experts hope that this promise will help save the Amazon rainforest. Other countries that agreed to the pledge include China, Indonesia, Russia, the US and UK.

The COP26 world leaders also agree to create a fund of over US$1 billion to protect the world’s second-largest tropical rainforest. This is around the Congo river basin in Africa.

Trees absorb a lot of carbon dioxide, which is a greenhouse gas contributing to climate change. So, it is important that we stop deforestation to fight climate change.

However, there have been other similar agreements before as well. But they haven’t worked. So, experts hope that this one will.

Other pledges at the COP26 climate summit

E-commerce company Amazon founder Jeff Bezos said that Amazon aims to power all its operations with 100% renewable energy by 2025. It is also working to convert its vehicles to work fully on electric energy.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi also said that India will achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2070. However, the United Nations goal is by 2050. “Net-zero emissions” means the greenhouse gases put into the atmosphere and those taken out must be equal.


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