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Image depicting COVID-19 Cases: Indigo Eyes in Infant!

COVID-19 Cases: Indigo Eyes in Infant!


Recommended for Middle Grades

A Magical Blue-Eyed Adventure: The Tiny Warrior Who Fought a Big Virus

The Little Hero and His Brown Eyes

Picture a pint-sized, 6-month-old warrior, armed with nothing but a wooden spoon and a bib, defending his crib as if it were a grand fortress. Our tiny champion was a bundle of joy and laughter. However, the invisible and cunning dragon known as COVID-19 attempted to breach his defenses.

You know how catching a cold in winter is almost like an unwanted game of tag? Just like no one wants to be ‘it,’ our brave little knight got tagged by this dragon of COVID-19 cases and felt under the weather. So, his parents whisked him away to a mystical healing sanctuary we call a hospital—think of it as a modern wizard’s den, where doctors and nurses wield stethoscopes and syringes instead of wands.

The Potion That Turned His Eyes Blue

The hospital wizards gave our tiny knight a special potion called favipiravir. This potion is like a secret weapon that helps people fight against various invisible dragons like the flu and even Ebola. It’s like giving him a magical sword that cuts the dragon’s evil plans into tiny pieces.

Only 18 hours post-potion, in the midst of rising COVID-19 cases, something extraordinary occurred! His mother saw his chocolate-brown eyes transform into a striking shade of summer-sky blue! Imagine that—like a chameleon changing its colors!

The Puzzle of Blue Eyes

Have you ever done a jigsaw puzzle and found a piece that doesn’t fit? The blue eyes were a puzzle for the wizards (doctors). They weren’t sure why this happened, but they decided to stop giving the tiny knight the favipiravir potion. Just like Cinderella’s pumpkin carriage, the magic wore off. In five days, his eyes returned to their lovely cookie-brown.

One wizard from a faraway kingdom, Dr. Vik Sharma, thinks it’s all about the potion breaking into tiny colorful pieces inside the body. These colorful pieces might have painted his eyes blue! However, this is still a mystery, like where your other sock disappears in the laundry.

A Happy Ending, But The Story Continues

Just like a storybook ending, our pint-sized champion recovered and made his way back to his fortress of comfort. Even amidst the backdrop of COVID-19 cases, there were zero complications with his eyesight—be it blue or brown, his vision was perfect!

Yet, this blue-eyed phenomenon is akin to a tantalizing cliffhanger in your go-to film. Researchers are still piecing together the ‘why’ and the ‘could it happen again?’ The narrative is still unfolding!

In our life stories, there will always be dragons to slay, puzzles to solve, and magical moments to discover. Sometimes, we might even find a bit of that magic reflected in a pair of indigo blue eyes. So here’s to tiny knights, magical potions, and the endless stories that make our lives a fairy tale.

The end? No, this is just the beginning!

DIY Activities: Be a Detective and a Wizard!

1. Potion Mixing

What you need: Milk, food coloring, and a cotton swab

  1. Pour milk into a shallow dish.
  2. Add a few drops of food coloring.
  3. Dip the cotton swab into the milk but don’t stir.
  4. Watch the colors dance around like magic!

2. Eye-Color Change App

  1. Download a photo editing app that allows you to change eye color.
  2. Take a selfie and try on different eye colors.
  3. Share your magical transformation with friends!

3. Color Matching Game

  1. Collect different colored items from around you.
  2. Take a picture of them.
  3. Try to identify which colors are primary, secondary, and so on.

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