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image depicting COVID-19 cases rise in Maharashtra and other top news in India today

COVID-19 cases rise in Maharashtra and other top news in India today


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Top news in India

COVID-19 update

India’s case tally crossed 1.1 crores as it recorded 14,199 new Covid-19 infections in the last 24 hours.

Cases are increasing in Maharashtra. In Pune, educational institutions have been ordered to remain shut till 28 February. Amravati district in Maharashtra will be placed under lockdown for a week.

Cases are also increasing in Kerala, Punjab, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh.

Top news in India

Puducherry Chief Minister V. Narayanasamy resigns

The Congress government lost its majority in the legislative assembly, and so the government collapsed. It had the support of only 12 MLAs (Members of Legislative Assembly) but 14 was needed.

Puducherry will have its legislative elections in May this year.

Top news in India

Train services resume in Kashmir after 11 months

Train services had been stopped due to the COVID-19 pandemic but now, has restarted from 22 February.

All regular train services were cancelled in India from 25 March when the coronavirus lockdown was announced. Train services across the country are still limited but have been increasing steadily.

PM Modi visits Assam

He launched several oil and gas projects, inaugurated an engineering college and laid the foundation stone of another in Assam.

Legislative assembly elections are scheduled to be held in Assam in mid-April 2021.

Top news in India

Farmers protest

Farmers protests against the centre’s farm laws have entered Day 87 as the situation has not improved. They have also criticised the government over the arrest of activists who support them.

Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal is meeting farmers from Uttar Pradesh to discuss the situation.


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