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Image depicting COVID lockdown woes in China are eased by Bappi Lahiri's song!

COVID lockdown woes in China are eased by Bappi Lahiri’s song!


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Chinese protesters use Bappi Lahiri’s “Jimmy Jimmy Aaja Aaja” as an anthem. Social videos show citizens holding empty containers and singing Bappi Lahiri’s tune to mock lockdowns’ food and water shortages.

The citizens have come up with a clever way to protest the policy by using “Jie mi, jie mi,” which translates into “Give me rice, give me rice.”

“Zero-COVID” has shut down dozens of Chinese cities, causing problems. 

Key facts!

  • Millions of Chinese residents living through the terrifying lockdowns have turned to Bollywood legend Bappi Lahiri’s 1982 hit “Jimmy Jimmy Aaja Aaja” from “Disco Dancer”.
  • They are using the song to express their anger and frustration with the country’s rigorous zero-COVID policy.
  • The Chinese equivalent of TikTok, Douyin, posts videos of empty containers and sings “Jie mi, jie mi,” which means “Give me rice, give me rice.”
  • China’s censors quickly remove posts they deem harmful to the government, but one video has eluded them.
  • Using “Jie mi, jie mi” as a cover, the Chinese have found a cunning way to oppose the zero-COVID policy, which has cut China off from the world.
  • Shanghai’s 25 million residents had to stay indoors for weeks.
  • After a virus epidemic and unsafe working conditions, Apple Inc.’s iPhone plant workers in central China staged a walkout out. 
  • President Xi Jinping’s zero-COVID policy requires city and town lockdowns and quarantine of adjacent residents if cases are confirmed.
  • Except for a few cities, notably Beijing, all inhabitants must undergo examinations.
  • City dwellers cannot enter restaurants or markets unless their test results are negative.

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