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Image depicting Crocodile proteins may prevent fungal diseases!

Crocodile proteins may prevent fungal diseases!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Crocodile proteins offer fresh prospects in the battle against fungal infections, claims research. Croco’s may possess a secret weapon in our fight against infections.

Researchers state that crocodiles have small proteins called “defensins.” These defensins detect and announce an infection in the immune system. Importantly, scientists have figured out a way to use these small proteins as a template.

The template enables them to create a targeted treatment for fungal infections in humans. This discovery was made after the researchers studied crocodile defensins.

Experts point out that antibiotic resistance is becoming more of a concern. Thus, this discovery could be of vital significance.

What is pH?

In Chemistry, pH is a way to figure out if something is acidic or alkaline.

Important Details

  • Animal experts claim that crocodiles have existed for more than 80 million years.
  • As a result, they have become good at fending off germs and infections.
  • This is because crocodiles frequently engage in fights with other animals while living in dirty water.
  • According to the study’s lead author, crocodile defensins have a resemblance to the proteins that are found in humans. 
  • The research was also successful in determining the crocodile’s pH-sensing mechanism.
  • Importantly, the pH-sensing mechanism is exclusive to crocodile defensins and does not exist in any other animal or plant.
  • Researchers also state that defensins are capable of adjusting their level of activity in response to the pH of their surroundings.
  • Consequently, scientists can build additional types of defensins.
    • Also, these defensins become inactive or active in response to the presence of an infection.
    • This approach may reduce the number of times a medicine affects the wrong area of the body.

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