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Image depicting Daler Mehndi's song keeps China safe!

Daler Mehndi’s song keeps China safe!


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Hey there, young friend! Have you heard about Daler Mehndi’s super catchy song ‘Tunak Tunak’? Well, guess what? It has become a huge inspiration for a road safety campaign all the way in China! Can you believe it?

Important Details

  • So, picture this: There’s a video that China’s Ministry of Public Security shared on social media. It’s all about teaching people in China how important it is to wear helmets and seatbelts. But here’s where it gets interesting and a little bit funny!
  • In the video, there’s a Chinese comedian named Brother Hao. He’s wearing blackface and a turban, just like Daler Mehndi used to in his music videos back in the 1990s. Brother Hao starts dancing and showing off some classic Indian dance moves, and it’s quite a sight to see!
  • But that’s not all! Two other Chinese men, also wearing blackface, join Brother Hao on a bike. And guess what? They bring along three fair-skinned women who are dressed in sparkling blue dresses, just like you would see in a Bollywood movie. It’s like a colorful dance party on wheels!
  • The Ministry of Public Security shared this video with an important message: “Remember, wearing seat belts is essential in the rear seats of cars. And if you’re riding a motorcycle, you must always wear a helmet!” Safety first, right?
  • Now, here’s the hilarious part. The video made its way to Indian Twitter, and people couldn’t believe their eyes! Columnist and analyst Aadil Brar shared the video and commented, “You won’t believe this! The official account of the Chinese police used a video of blackfaced performers dancing to Bollywood tunes to teach people about road safety.”
  • It’s like a mix of cultures and funny moments all rolled into one video! Who would have thought that Daler Mehndi’s iconic song would inspire such a unique road safety campaign in China? It just goes to show that music and dance can bring people together in unexpected ways.
  • So, remember to buckle up your seatbelt and wear a helmet when you’re on the road. And who knows? Maybe one day your favorite song will inspire something incredible too! Keep dancing and stay safe out there!
  • Remember, road safety is no joke, but it’s okay to have a little laughter along the way!

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